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Servings: 4-6 | Prep. time: Approx. 45 minutes | Difficulty: Easy

Cauliflower has recently become a very popular vegetable, second only to eggplant. Serving them whole is particularly trendy. The combination of tahini and Galilee’s Delicacy 100% Dates Silan drizzled over the whole vegetable makes this dish a real delicacy.


-1 fresh cauliflower
-3 tbsp. olive oil
-Coarse salt and ground black pepper, to taste
-Leaves of a few sprigs of thyme
-2 tbsp. raw tahini
-2 tbsp. Galilee’s Delicacy 100% Dates Silan

How to prepare:

Heat the oven to 375°F. Line an oven-safe tray with baking parchment. Coat the cauliflower with olive oil, salt, pepper and thyme. Roast for 30 minutes, or until the cauliflower is golden on all sides, but still a little crunchy. Drizzle tahini and Galilee’s Delicacy 100% Dates Silan on top and serve immediately.

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